Have you or your business been receiving lots of correspondence from insurance carriers? Are these special offers they rave about actually good deals? Turn this annoyance into a learning opportunity and ask your agent about what a good deal on insurance actually is. Read more
Did you know that your homeowner’s insurance coverage only covers certain kinds of water damage? Depending on whether water damage is caused by flooding or a water leak, your coverage may not be sufficient. It’s important to know this information before finalizing any homeowner’s insurance policy. Read more
Do you have earthquake coverage (E/Q) with your homeowners or business insurance? Most homeowners and commercial insurance policy holders do NOT have it. But, there are very small tremors daily, and of course there is always a chance of a substantial quake.
Did you know that floods are the number one natural disaster in the United States? Also, did you know that not every homeowner’s or business owner’s insurance policy has flood coverage? It’s important to understand that even in low-risk areas, floods can still happen, and cause thousands of dollars worth of damage to your home or business. It’s scary to see just how water damage adds up. While most homeowners are worried about fire, floods are in fact the greater risk.
Now is the time to protect your home from ice dams
After three winter storms in less than a week, you may be noticing some pretty large snow piles on the roof of your home. With a slight warm up in temperature coming mid-week, now is the time to remove snow in order to prevent the buildup of ice dams – and potential damage to your home.
Just like any kind of insurance, not all dwelling fire insurance policies are created equal. The things to consider when choosing a dwelling fire insurance policy vary from state to state. Read more
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